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dark distiller’s grain
暗色酒糟  detail>>
dark grain
暗酒糟 暗色酒糟  detail>>
 n.  1.蒸馏者。 2.制酒者。 3.蒸馏器。  短语和例子   a whiskey disti...  detail>>
acrobat distiller
可以把  detail>>
ammonia distiller
氨蒸馏器 蒸氨器  detail>>
automatic distiller
自动蒸馏器  detail>>
column distiller
蒸馏柱  detail>>
continuous distiller
连续蒸馏器  detail>>
distiller condenser
蒸馏冷凝器 蒸馏装置冷凝器  detail>>
dry distiller
干馏器  detail>>
electrical distiller
电热蒸馏水器  detail>>
flash distiller
闪蒸器  detail>>
marine distiller
船用蒸馏器 船用制淡装置  detail>>
simple distiller
单蒸馏水器  detail>>
water distiller
水蒸馏器 蒸馏水器  detail>>
at dark
天黑时  detail>>
be in the dark
蒙在鼓里不知道 蒙在鼓里,不知道  detail>>
be in the dark as to
蒙在鼓里不知道 完全不知道, 蒙在鼓里  detail>>